Friday, April 11, 2014

How to Check for an Air Leak in My Vans Air Conditioner

A sure sign of air conditioning problems is a lack of cool air coming out of the vents in your van or other vehicle. The problem might be with the compressor or motor, but it might just be a leak. The leak might not be your only issue, but it must be addressed before fixing any other components of the air conditioning system.



    Look in your vehicles owners manual to determine what type of rigerant your van uses.


    Set the rigerant leak-detector to the appropriate setting. The setting varies based on the type of rigerant your vehicle uses. It is typically labeled CFC, HCFC or HFC, and must be set correctly to locate the source of the leaks.


    Move the rigerant leak-detectors sensor along the air conditioning hoses and other components, looking for the indicators of a leak. The indicators vary in different rigerant leak-detectors, but are often represented by a buzzer or other sound.


    Pay special attention to connection points. Move the sensor across all sides of the hoses and other components.


    Mark each leak with masking tape. This allows the mechanic addressing the leaks to easily locate it.