Saturday, March 29, 2014

Auto Wheel Repair

Auto Wheel Repair

You can easily damage auto wheels through accidents, curbing or general wear and tear. A scuffed rim or a combination of scratches can make a wheel look unsightly, but it is entirely possible to restore damage inexpensively.


    It is important to have a clean working surface, so wash the wheels thoroughly before beginning to work. Sand wheels with P320 grit paper to provide an effective key, and you must add spot putty to minor dents and imperfections. You can rub spot putty to the surface level after it dries.


    Mask the wheel using masking tape and paper. Use two full coats of automotive primer to cover the entire wheel and leave it to dry in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. After the primer has dried, rub it down lightly with a soft sanding pad to provide a key for the paint.


    You must apply paint using several light coats. Wheel silver has a tendency to sag or run if you apply it in high volume. Check the wheel during the painting process to ensure all hidden areas receive a sufficient coating of color. Leave the wheel to dry completely before unmasking.