Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Use a BernzOmatic OX0225 Gas Torch

The BernzOmatic 0X2550 is a combination cutting, welding and brazing torch. While it is billed as a cutting torch, it is not a torch that one would use for cutting 3/8-inch steel plate. It is very well suited for cutting off small fasteners, but that is about the extent of its cutting capabilities. It is also well suited for welding and brazing.



    Screw the oxygen cylinder onto the torchs oxygen valve. The oxygen valve is the taller of the two brass connections, and it has a black plastic knob on the top. Screw the MAPP gas cylinder onto the shorter brass connector with the black plastic knob on the side. Set the bottles on the wire stand included with the kit.


    Purge the lines. Open the oxygen valve until pure oxygen comes out of the end of the burner wand. Close the oxygen valve. Open the gas valve until you detect the odor of the MAPP gas. Close the valve. Purging the lines ensures that there is no oxygen in the gas line, and no gas in the oxygen line.


    Open the MAPP gas valve by turning the black plastic knob on the side of the brass cylinder connection counterclockwise one-eighth turn.


    Ignite the gas at the end of the burner wand by holding the cup of the spark lighter over the end of the wand and squeezing the spring-loaded handle of the spark lighter to create a spark that ignites the gas. Open the gas valve until the flame stops smoking. Open the valve on the oxygen tank connector until the flame loses its feather around the inner core of the flame.


    Perform the intended task. Close the oxygen valve. Close the MAPP gas valve. Unscrew both the oxygen and MAPP gas cylinder.