Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Troubleshoot Noise With Transmission Shifting

There is nothing more worrisome than strange noises emanating from your car. Whether it is a rattle, squeak, pop or crunch, it is safe to assume that whatever is causing the noise is not doing your vehicle any favors. Transmissions are complicated mechanical devices with hundreds of moving parts. While you may not be able to sort out exactly what is happening by sound alone, you should be able to get a decent idea of where the problem lies.



    Listen carefully to the noise your transmission makes. Correctly identifying the source of transmission noise depends on the type of sound you hear, so note whether it is a rattle, crunch or another noise.


    Take notice of when the sound occurs. Noises that occur while shifting could be related to the clutch linkage or clutch shaft pilot bearing, while a low rattle in fifth gear could be caused by the way your car is built.


    Pay attention to whether the noise is consistent or occurs at seemingly random times. For instance, if your transmission emits a loud clunking noise every time you shift into reverse, the problem is significantly different from the occasional squeak from your clutch. Consistent, loud noises are a source for concern.


    Allow your vehicle to idle in neutral. Listen for any signs of engine failure or other problems. The sounds you hear may seem to be related to your transmission, but may in fact be issues with your transaxle, wheel bearings or CV joints. Letting the car idle in neutral for a while helps separate engine problems from transmission problems.